- 2024:
- Clinical study of analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis derivatives in patients with temporomandibular joint pathology: Preliminary Study. https://journals.lww.com/ijds/fulltext/9900/clinical_study_of_analgesic_and_anti_inflammatory.1.aspx?
- Cannabidiol-an effective analgesic for toothache? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41432-024-01007-5
- Cannabidiol Intervention for Muscular Tension, Pain and Sleep Bruxism Intensity- A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10932451/
- Phytocannabinoids and gingival inflammation: Preclinical findings and a placebo-controlled double-blind randomized clinical trial with cannabidiol. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38311974/
- 2023
- Cannabidiol as an alternative analgesic for acute dental pain. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00220345231200814
- Cannabidiol for dental pain (PHD dissertation) https://www.proquest.com/openview/99436092e2ef6e896d145863c65f2944/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
- Cannabidiol for Oral Health: A New Promising Therapeutic Tool in Dentistry. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202305.0360/v1
- Efficacy and safety of topical 0.1% cannabidiol for managing recurrent aphthous ulcers: a Randomized controlled trial. https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12906-023-03886-0
- 2019
- Weed May Be Bad For Your Teeth. (news – 2019)
https://www.labroots.com/trending/cannabis-sciences/14089/weed-bad-teeth - 2017
- Marijuana May Make Your Gums Go to Pot (news – 2017) http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=204253
- The impact of marijuana use on oral health (news -2017) http://exclusive.multibriefs.com/content/the-impact-of-marijuana-use-on-oral-health/oral-dental-healthcare
- 2016
- Study says long-term pot use causes poor gum health – but not much else (news – 2016) http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jun/01/long-term-pot-use-study-poor-gum-health-marijuana
- This Is What Happens to Your Beauty on Marijuana (news -2016) https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/this-is-what-happens-to-1411025717600310.html
- Marijuana Use Linked to Increased Gum Disease Risk (news 2016) https://www.perio.org/consumer/marijuana-use
- 2015
- A new kind of dental high-giene: cannabis toothpaste (news – 2015) http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20150227/HEALTH_CARE/150229859/a-new-kind-of-dental-high-giene-cannabis-toothpaste
- 2012
- Cottonmouth and gingivitis: marijuana use and our health (news – 2012) http://cannabischris.com/2012/11/cottonmouth-gingivitis-marijuana/
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